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 Who are hunters?

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PostSubject: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2007 12:28 pm

Hunters are usually refered to as "nukers", "dps", "dd", etc.
All this abreviations and nicks mean that they can deal an extreme amount of damage with every hit. Their ranged attack and big dmg gives them advantage, but they are quite fragile in close combat.

As the hunters use ranged attack most of the time, they have to be extremely careful what they shoot at. It happens very often that a hunter attacks a wrong creature by accident....this usually ends in defeat of his Fellowship or few members. - Another reason why target marking is essential in good group.

Hunter can wear a Medium Type Armor which isn't as strong and that's why they should stay in 2nd line, right behind Guardians and Champions.

Hunters are also protectors of Minstrels. They have to keep an eye on Minstrel and if he gets attacked they have to target that enemy ASAP and bring it's atention on themelves. It is Hunters' role because they can quickly release an arrow from a distance and Guardians or other Fellowship members are often away from Minstrel.

So this is a short description of the Hunter Class.
Feel free to add more details.
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2007 12:47 pm

Thoramir wrote:

Hunters are also protectors of Minstrels. They have to keep an eye on Minstrel and if he gets attacked they have to target that enemy ASAP and bring it's atention on themelves.

How are you going to do it? Have you got any taunt skill?
Minstrel can always use a whistle to call for guardian, however in good groups it's not necessarry.

On the other hand hunter is a very good compagnion with all his trap skills, ranged dps etc.

However they are often rapid shooters and shoot before guardian gets an aggro. The most irritating moment is when hunter want to pull what is guardians duty.

Last two sentences refer to unexpeirenced players and unfortunately there are a lot of those who wanted to be Legolas but they don't know how to play as a hunter Wink

If hunter is being guided by an experienced thinking player he is a real good killing machine. Twisted Evil

Last edited by on Tue Sep 18, 2007 6:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2007 1:41 pm

Hunters are a very powerful class imo.
Very useful indeed.
But there really lies the danger in them aswell.
Some of the players playing hunters get too easily blinded by their powers as you both have mentioned above.
Hunters shouldn´t never, and i mean never try play the first fiddle in the fellowships, no matter how powerful and strong on dps´ing they are.
When used right, hunters can easily be the turning tide and the real hero of the fellowship, but no with bringing themselves forward at any given possibilty.
I have talked some more about this matter in other topics, for example in the champion area.
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2007 4:39 pm

Luckly for me i played a hunter in WoW, so i knew how to play before i even step a foot into a fellow, but i have been ashamed of how other hunters play, giving the tank no time to build aggro etc.
I look at myself as a primary DPS provider, who when played correctly requiers little to no healing, (cough Champs cough) but i also take pleasure in being able to protect the minstrel with my traps which i place in front of the minstrel, and if worse comes to worse being able to nuke the hell out of the mob to get its attension on me, although i'd rather not do this, as my medium armour is little to no better than the minstrels light.
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2007 6:40 pm

Agreed, the hunter surely does big damage while being fragile, thus being pretty much the opposite of a guardian who does comparably little damage but can stand alot of beating.

As guardian, it's pretty perfect to teamup with a hunter who knows to keep the mobs at safe distance, aka under control of the guardian. The huge damage dealt usualy kills anything before a heal would be needed, so a two-team of these two is strong already. Of course, the damage output and fragility of the hunter requires good knowledge of the guardian and his abilities to keep the mobs at bay.

Also, there's alot of useful skills that help others, e.g. quick travelling, tracking, traps, which undoubtedly makes a hunter a worthy helper in any situation.

Sadly, a well-equipped hunter can build up way more aggro than any guardian can, despite the fact that a guardian has plenty of skills and abilities to attract mobs. The sheer damage output exceeds our mob attracting ability by far.

And yes, as others said above, here lies the problem more often than not, I found. Once a hunter drags away e.g. a boss from the guardian, there's a hard choice to make for us (guardians): Either just let the hunter fight his fight (and possibly die and fetch the mob afterwards), or run past the mob but in return neglect his tanking location, which would endanger all the group. For the benefit of the group, in tough situations it usually is best to let the hunter die - instead of all the group. Of course, this easily leads to arguments afterwards, but at the end of the day it stands:

Watch your firepower and make sure to always attack the same target as the tank, and especially never pull. Even better is to let the tank build up some aggro while you do simple shots.

Ah well, almost turning this into another guardian's post, so I shall shut up already.
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2007 10:07 pm

Tigrim wrote:

Spot on Tigrim
But have to disagree with that targeting thing.
From my experience, the best way is to target the same target as the Main assist (usually champ) and let the MA deal the first hit and get the aggro on that one particular mob. This goes with the rest of the fellowship aswell.
When all the others, than tank and perhaps healer, concentrate on one mob other than guardian it benefits the fellowship and it is much more quicker way aswell.
Champs have few tricks in their sleeve too with the aggro control and this way the tank doesn´t really have to care about the hunters aggro when there are 3-4 others on the same mob as the hunter.
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeTue Sep 18, 2007 11:53 pm

Agreed, the targetting statement was a bit general and only useful in some situations, e.g. having multiple bosses only which may not be aggro'd by non-tanks.

Actually often it is helpful that but the tank shall take down the minor mobs first, that is as much as they can handle without tank. This will reduce the load on the healer much faster usually, so that soon enough all the gang can focus on the boss(es).

But what am I doing in the wrong place again, guess I rather should start writing a useful essay in my own class area !
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2007 12:08 am

Thopor wrote:
Thoramir wrote:

Hunters are also protectors of Minstrels. They have to keep an eye on Minstrel and if he gets attacked they have to target that enemy ASAP and bring it's atention on themelves.

How are you going to do it? Have you got any taunt skill?
Minstrel can always use a whistle to call for guardian, however in good groups it's not necessarry.

How I am going to do that?? Simple... When in Fellowship your Guardian Whistle is worthless (takes more time to use it and respond than releasing an arrow). If Fellowship is in a big fight Hunter can shoot much quicker and get the mobs aggro on himself than Guardian can come with help or do much good with his Taunt skills, especially when Archers or Ranged enemies attack Minstrel.
If Guardian is close....yes he will help most but otherwise Hunters can be the quickest to pull the mob away from Minstrel. Hunters have to risk it in many situations by doing that for the good of whole group.
I have been in many such situations where I had to drag the aggro of Archers on my ass to protect the Minstrel from dying.
The place I had to do it most was Garth Agarwen and Dol Dinen, as there was many ranged enemies.

So when I hear that Hunters can fall asleep while playing in Fellowship, or that it is the easiest class...I disagree. Might be easy to get Experience while hunting alone, but not as a team member.

I know you probably have met many "ADHD" Hunters on your way that don't think, just shoot but wait while you hunt with a worthy hunter in a full Fellowship...

Anyways.... Opinion is like an asshole - everyone has his own he he he Cool
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2007 12:37 am

Thoramir wrote:
Anyways.... Opinion is like an asshole - everyone has his own he he he Cool

That's true hehehe.

However, you can always drag enemies attention on yourself and die affraid Don't try to play a hero Twisted Evil

Good guardian can take care of ranged enemies in a very simple way - just running to them, shout and come back to the place where he was Twisted Evil

Don't get upset Thoramir, 'cause I was talikng about all Legolases around not about you. rabbit
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2007 9:20 pm

He he he... Nahhh I don't get upset.

It's just that I was in many fights that even a strong guardian was so ocupied with a Boss and few adds that he couldn't even think of Archers standing further away. It might be just me but I always look at Minstrel's Morale Bar and whenever it moves down I look for the enemy that is attacking him and I drag his attention on me. Hunters still have a bit better protection than Minstrels and Guardian can always save my ass while Minstrel keeps me alive.

Afterall someone has to be a hero for the good of all group he he...
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeWed Sep 19, 2007 10:00 pm

One point of view for this archer-discussion. And it really isn´t a surprise, that i´m telling it with the eyes of a champion. Very Happy

As mentioned in the various other places, champ usually is the main assistant. He usually is the one choosing the target that get´s blown away first. Normal mobs first, then signatures, elites and so on.
(this should happen after tank has aggroed every mob possible).
Everyone(exc. Tank) else should assist the champion with this mob, after MA has made the first hit.
(If there are more than one normal mobs around it ain´t that dangerous, if 2 or 3 of them is targeted at the same time with different people.)

After these easily killed ones are gone(should be done in matter of seconds if everyones targeting is right), MA chooses the next one.
At this stage i usually focus on the ranged mobs, use my shouts that aggro the archer, use the landscape to help me, and get the mob into melee fight.
Once again everyone else should follow the MA. More beating the mob, quicker he is gone and we may move to the next ranged one.
(naturally if there are more than 1 ranged mob, a stun from class capable of doing that is more than welcome). If the targeting of the group is done right, champ could aggro even 2 ranged ones and draw them to the melee fight.(even to get one of them to hit the tank) Voila! no more archers disturbing the healer.

One thing that i find people constantly ignoring is the benefit they can achieve by using the landscape, rocks, pillars, tree, statues etc etc.
Ranged mobs can´t shoot through them! They tend to move to get a straight line to be able to do that.
Using corners in the walls and so on, it´s relatively easy to draw them into the melee fight. And there you go, 1 more archer less so let´s kill him and move onto the next one.
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2007 1:13 am

Marlon wrote:
One thing that i find people constantly ignoring is the benefit they can achieve by using the landscape, rocks, pillars, tree, statues etc etc.
Ranged mobs can´t shoot through them! They tend to move to get a straight line to be able to do that.
Using corners in the walls and so on, it´s relatively easy to draw them into the melee fight. And there you go, 1 more archer less so let´s kill him and move onto the next one.

Yeah that's true.
I'm getting annoyed when I'm pulling mobs using walls, corners etc. and everybody charge meanwhile...
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2007 1:54 am

Thopor wrote:
Marlon wrote:
One thing that i find people constantly ignoring is the benefit they can achieve by using the landscape, rocks, pillars, tree, statues etc etc.
Ranged mobs can´t shoot through them! They tend to move to get a straight line to be able to do that.
Using corners in the walls and so on, it´s relatively easy to draw them into the melee fight. And there you go, 1 more archer less so let´s kill him and move onto the next one.

Yeah that's true.
I'm getting annoyed when I'm pulling mobs using walls, corners etc. and everybody charge meanwhile...

Yep, landscape is quite handy and I use it alot to pull archers into shield bashing range. Sadly I found that, not many landscape items really block arrows despite their looks make you assume so. So, everyone going for this should memorize what blocks arrows and what doesn't. Or try it out on his/her own, e.g. by trying to shoot through a wall/bush/whatever.

Though this actually is not much of use for hunters really and rather belongs into melee classes hints I'd say.

I wonder if magic/firebreathing/whatever gets blocked by same landscape as arrows do ? Cannot tell, I havn't faced much of that yet.
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2007 4:33 pm

Thopor wrote:
Marlon wrote:
One thing that i find people constantly ignoring is the benefit they can achieve by using the landscape, rocks, pillars, tree, statues etc etc.
Ranged mobs can´t shoot through them! They tend to move to get a straight line to be able to do that.
Using corners in the walls and so on, it´s relatively easy to draw them into the melee fight. And there you go, 1 more archer less so let´s kill him and move onto the next one.

Yeah that's true.
I'm getting annoyed when I'm pulling mobs using walls, corners etc. and everybody charge meanwhile...

Noticed you doing this last night, i was impressed, i use to shout myself blue in my WoW raiding days trying to get our tanks to learn how to move the mobs to where we want them, as there was a lot of fights in BWL that required you to get the right LoS.
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeThu Sep 20, 2007 4:42 pm

Hem wrote:
Noticed you doing this last night, i was impressed, i use to shout myself blue in my WoW raiding days trying to get our tanks to learn how to move the mobs to where we want them, as there was a lot of fights in BWL that required you to get the right LoS.

Years of fighting as a warrior in Azeroth = experience. Twisted Evil
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 21, 2007 1:55 pm

Thopor wrote:
Hem wrote:
Noticed you doing this last night, i was impressed, i use to shout myself blue in my WoW raiding days trying to get our tanks to learn how to move the mobs to where we want them, as there was a lot of fights in BWL that required you to get the right LoS.

Years of fighting as a warrior in Azeroth = experience. Twisted Evil

Years of fighting as a hunter in Azeroth = Experience
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2007 10:19 am

There are some useful things available in the reputation system. For example this set is a reward from the Council of the North in Angmar. A combination of 2 of these could be highly beneficial to a hunter. Set bonus for 2 items is +15 agility. The bracelet seems the best singular item to me, so that coupled with something else. Or even the whole set. What do you think?

Who are hunters? 27003123937

On the downside grinding to kindred standing takes up some time, believe you me. When you reach friend standing (the third standing level out of five), you can use the bracelet + earring combo. Which is nice.
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 28, 2007 3:53 pm

Hem wrote:
Thopor wrote:
Hem wrote:
Noticed you doing this last night, i was impressed, i use to shout myself blue in my WoW raiding days trying to get our tanks to learn how to move the mobs to where we want them, as there was a lot of fights in BWL that required you to get the right LoS.

Years of fighting as a warrior in Azeroth = experience. Twisted Evil

Years of fighting as a hunter in Azeroth = Experience
Not knowing what the hell Azeroth is = No Experience
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2007 12:13 pm

I have seen some even better armor for a Hunter. Some guy was shouting about selling it in Angmar. Lvl 50 Armor Set called something like "Shadow-Stalker", not sure about the name.
Each piece costs like 3-4g from what I have heared he he.
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2007 1:08 pm

Shadow-Stalker is the epic burglar set. The Auroch armour set is for hunter, and the cost for each piece is ten times the suggested number.

Auroch armour set
Shadow-Stalker set
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 02, 2007 1:24 pm

Mick wrote:
Shadow-Stalker is the epic burglar set. The Auroch armour set is for hunter, and the cost for each piece is ten times the suggested number.

Auroch armour set
Shadow-Stalker set

One of these items dropped to me last night. Might I say that, I shouldn´t have any money problems for now. It sold in the AH like in 10 minutes, which makes me wonder, wether I sold it too cheap...
what?! Yes I AM GREEDY!! Twisted Evil
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 03, 2007 8:42 am

He he he... I might have been mistaken there with that Shadow-Stalker.
The Aurochs Set is really great.
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeWed Oct 03, 2007 5:52 pm

Mick wrote:
Hem wrote:
Thopor wrote:
Hem wrote:
Noticed you doing this last night, i was impressed, i use to shout myself blue in my WoW raiding days trying to get our tanks to learn how to move the mobs to where we want them, as there was a lot of fights in BWL that required you to get the right LoS.

Years of fighting as a warrior in Azeroth = experience. Twisted Evil

Years of fighting as a hunter in Azeroth = Experience
Not knowing what the hell Azeroth is = No Experience

World of Warcraft mate, nuff said
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PostSubject: Re: Who are hunters?   Who are hunters? Icon_minitimeMon Oct 08, 2007 6:30 pm

The Auroch set might not even be the best choise for a hunter. I mean, these are of course matters of taste, but thinking the hunter gear with Lama let us to the conclusion that he would only take the helm + chest armour combo, if he had the money to buy them. The set bonuses are frustratingly crappy.

Alright, the amount of morale that the guy in the link has is pretty impressive (for a hunter), but that shouldn't be so important. And at this point Lama has something like 485 agility, which is 100 points more than the guy in the link. Plus a greater ranged crit percentage. There are a lot of great crafted stuff.

The same is true for captains, the only class I have looked closely. I would only take the helm + chest armour combo (incidently the same combo).

War-Captain's Armour
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